All You Have to Handle Is the Next Step

Paralysis of analysis can kick in when you’ve got a “To Do” list so immense that it makes a phonebook look svelte. See kids, back in the days before there was a net we had a big chunk of tree filled with peoples deets, ah forget it… Where was I at? Oh yes:

The easiest way to climb a mountain without getting overwhelmed is just to keep putting one foot in front of the next. I know, its a revolutionary process but its also remarkably effective and so easy to forget. Especially in a world which is app this, timer that and so many other things whilst you’re strung out clicking for another dopamine fix. All you need to do is keep the general direction you’re hearted in mind and then ask your Self:

What do I need to do next?

Thats it. If weight loss is your thing then walk away from the biscuit tin when autopilot munchies kick in. If productivity is what you’re seeking but your attention keeps leaking onto whatever the latest notification says then remove the distraction for the moment and get to handling your business for fifteen minutes then build. The problem with projects, wether small or big, is that a lot of people have (false) self defeating Patterns installed in their subconscious due to their upbringing, imperience or inheritance and they’ve never questioned them or examined them with their currently embodied presence in the moment. In effect you’ve got an allegedly fully grown being running around doing things based on the time they got a smack on their wrist at age six (if you’re caucasian) or the end all, be all ass whipping of the ages (if you’re melanated). Blanket statement I know but its there to show it matters not how stern the discipline was or if the event itself was no big thing because its all about the Relative Scale of Impact and as a kid the strangest of things can sprinkle the seed in your head around which the Pattern gets built, repressed and then leads to you feeling uncomfortable with the idea of success because it would contravene an internal rule you neither want nor recollect. It matters not to your subconscious however as it doesn’t think, in the classical sense, and simply follows a ruleset based around shapes, colors, emotions and such things which are cross referenced with the database of imperience then presented as the way to best proceed next.

Many entries are mistyped, miskeyed or misplaced because the process is imperfect and there are various other factors at play as well. Put them all together and you get a mess. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who made it through their formative years unscathed. Some were blown away a personal thermonuclear warhead obliterated their inner safety whilst others got a light tap and look disapproving as they were told “Never do that again”. Now the interesting this is those that were detonated often stand a better chance of healing as they know what they went through was immense and off the chain and thus want to do something about it as they see the Patterns effects writ large on their day to day. Those who were merely grazed have a harder time grasping this and thus have much more subtle problems (which they usually deny as well. “Its not a bug, its a feature”). Looking at the latter example the kid was around three sitting at his fathers desk pretending to be him as he emulated him working and was scribbling away furiously with his pens. Most was on the paper but lots was also pouring onto the natural, unvarnished finish that cost many pounds and pence but the childs concentration was immense as he was caught up in the pleasure of pretend and what he intended to show his parent as he imagined how proud he would be at what he sees.

He hears the door click as his father walks in and beams up at him and says “Look at this!” as he smiles about his efforts and perfect timing. “I’m working hard to be the best, just like you said!” he exclaims as he notices his dads attention is not on the paper but the state of the desk as he looks at him with a glance that chilled his thrill and says “Never do that again” and hands him back his slip and moves him away from the desk and out of his presence.

Can you see how a Pattern would be formed in that event? Can you see how easy it would be for the Adulterated man that grew from this kid to constantly self sabotage by taking on immense projects he never had a chance of completing? In doing so he would conform to the Pattern and continue receiving the same disapproval he had then. All from one event, in one childhood, in one life on this planet. Now multiply that by the potential situations to mess up between zero and ten then sprinkle in the fact that both parents are running not only their Patterns in their heads but also the ones they inherited and multiply that by billions and you’ll see how and why we’re in the mess we’re in as a collective and why you are both the solution and problem.

The nuclear child previously mentioned knows something bad happened and it was way more extreme than it needed to be and this in turn makes the Pattern so huge that it either dictates everything or it pokes into his awareness in such a way that he starts to chip away at it, bit by bit, and thus generates internal freedom as its obliterated. A lot of these kids develop a sense of rigidity and need for perfectionism in the sense that “If I can control all of the variables nothing like this will ever happen again“. This generates immense stress, burnout and all kinds of addictions. All to keep the Pattern hidden. Like I said its not as simple as one size fits all as there are so many variables at play when it comes to your heritage, your innate strengths, potential for handling problems, general environment, resilience, fortitude and many non-physical aspects as well that coalesce to form your Earthbound experience. Its why I often refer to the difference between coal and diamonds because pressure is the key that makes one glisten with strength and radiance but everyone wants to shine and no one wants to cry in the process as they shed the skin of their own personal hell. Its an odd thing about this realm. Anyway, back to the topic:

All you have to handle is the next step. Know where you are (Point A), look at where you want to be (Point C) and in between these two is what you need to be doing, right now, instantly, this very moment (Point B). It will always be one thing. You don’t need to chart or distill, no minute minding or anything. Matter of fact you already know what it is so why are you still reading this? Go on, handle your business.

Till we meet again

A Journey to the Heart of What Really Matters

You’ve often heard me say that life is a Game of three halves and that it most certainly is. Most people are only very dimly aware of this due to living lives based on ignorance because they haven’t done the Knowledge. Why? Because the Path of Power can appear quite scary and the fear it brings for many to turn within is simply too much for them to bear. Let me illustrate this with a concept you know well:

The moon waxes and wanes. That means it can either appear as a full circle of illumination or one that is marked by the absence of this and appears as darkness. This is what you know you know and know you don’t know. If you keep bouncing between these polarities or use them as you sole points of reference then you miss an immense part that is hidden. The dark side of the moon. The part we never see but what, as you’ll perceive, exerts an immense influence.

Our innate state of perfection when we first step into this realm is called Inner Sense. In that respect it encompasses the all of everything but isn’t aware of this as there has been no fragmentation, limitation, labelling or coping mechs designed to hide this. This state of wholeness is what all the Adulterated miss and yet have immense difficulty in defining. The marketing firms know this well and all they sell from religion to gadgets is designed to scratch this itch via their intervention but never, ever brining it to the surface. So called primitive societies were well aware of this effect that acts like a callous upon your consciousness and thus had intricate rites and events to mark the passage between boys to men or girls to women. You can think of it as initiation. We don’t have that. This page was erased from the owners manual of how to be human, back when, because its this pain they manipulate to make you run, this and thataway. 81% of the world, those I call Slaves, are under this spell and have been for generations as they too will numb their children to be just like them. On and on goes this chain of ignorance that begets a lot of the conflict in this realm because people project what they haven’t dealt with as they say “They, they are the problem and once we eradicate them then life will be different”.

That will never happen. Its why each movement, religion or group has a schism within from not long after its inception. You could, if you wish, say this is due to a corrupting force which runs unchecked and feeds upon the denizens of this realm as your pain is its nourishment. On the flip you could equally attest that all of the progress we’ve made as a collective is based upon this traumatic programming as from the golden age of legends to our current state of Adulteration the interplay of consciousness and flesh remains identical but the Knowledge of Self those who manifest differs from stage to stage. Thats the Game. Now, three halves, again:

There is what you know you know. In this cabinet we can file all of the imperiences you string together to form a narrative. They all have in common one thing:

They originate outside and then come within. Something as simple as your name, lineage, educational credentials or material possessions and the rest. All the same because they are of this realm and will stay here at the end. You can pretend, if you wish, that we’re playing dress up with these roles and facets. For most Slaves this is enough for them and it forms the basis of their internal OS. The Warrior, on the flip, wants that sense of wholeness that brings transcendence in the quest for liberation so they are, in effect, wanting to strip all of this inherited ignorance and get back to the living current that once flowed within before being blockaded by the unexamined imprints that are the true cause of damnation. This brings us to the next segment, aka the new moon version:

What you know you don’t know. It could be something like applied mathematics, for example, or quantum physics. Most people are aware of a little bit of this. The fact that the concept exists but the details are beyond their current resolution. Actually, thats a great metaphor so lets build on it:

What you know you know is fairly high res and you can examine the details pretty well as you keep telling your Self this is your all and everything of walking around in the flesh on a planet that floats in the abyss as its chasing a fireball off into the distance. No matter how many times I write this as this base totality of your reality it makes me grin as it sounds so stupid. And yet, it is. What you know you don’t know, on the flip, is a blocky, pixelated mess. Vague blobs and shapes. Chunks of that and this. You know they exist but they really aren’t that important for your day to day so you pay no attention. Next comes what you don’t know you don’t know:

Like the dark side of the moon its constantly hidden from those walking around on the surface of the planet as its beyond their perception from their current perspective. Using the above example this would be an amorphous darkness with virtually no differentiation when seen from the “What you know you know” lens that is their standard frame of awareness. The power in this shadow realm is immense because its filled with ghosts of Inner Sense that can’t be killed or destroyed, only ignored, and thus they fester under the surface. Another way of considering this is the iceberg image which says conscious mind linked to sub beneath the surface and then at greater depth the unconscious. The latter third are immense compared to what pokes out and appears to be floating on its own strength. In reality thats the main deception and thus a huge weakness for those who wish to leave this realm because they’ll live and die without checking whats truly happening.

What causes this split? Trauma. It can be as simple as the wave of regret that washes over a career womans awareness when she finds out she’s pregnant and the Souls shell developing within feels like life has came to and end before it even begins or it can be later on when the child awakens one night in its crib and starts screaming into the darkness at the immense sense of abandonment and the young mother leaves him there because she read some article which says “Let them cry it out after you’ve moved them from your bed as this builds strength and character in them”. There are countless other examples and they can be as brutal as the sexual abuse of rape or as pernicious as being born to a narcissist that invalidates their Self and uses their free flowing energetics to nurture their void within instead of nurturing the gift of Inner Sense they bought to this realm. Actually, in that respect, the narc knows the the truth, on some level, of the “Know you know” thing and use this for image building and manipulation in the perceptions of the rest as they dwell mainly in the abyss which is what the dark side of the moon represents and thus this conniving comes as natural, with no effort or investment needed, as they drain what is around them to feed the void within. If you trace their own lives you’ll find that, back when, this Pattern was installed in their lineage and sucks the life out of one then the next. Much like that vampire myth. Which actually isn’t. More on that as we progress.

Very few people click that the true reason this realm looks like heaven but feels like hell for most of its denizens is due to their ignorance and how widespread this social sickness is. Thats due, in part, to the successful brainwashing offered to them via the System with its constant manipulation designed to keep them off tilt by placing their power outside of them. To move along the Path of Power a few steps a Warrior is them who knows the dark side of the moon, the nature of its spin, how and why it waxes and wanes (like the hemispheres of your brain) plus its relation to consciousness. The next step is when it clicks that this dead rock is simply reflecting the illumination of another sphere of influence:

The Sun. You can look at this as the celestial equivalent of Inner Sense or pure consciousness ergo one who does the Knowledge may seem the same as the rest wearing flesh but whats happening within is totally different as they’ve moved the three halves blueprint to beyond this dimension. For them its like this:

What I know I know is that I’m not the flesh but unfinite sentience that is hyper conducted into this carbon based vessel within which there was the old triune split that I have now transcended by doing the Knowledge. What I know I don’t know, at this moment, is the nature of this so called dark matter that spins in the abyss and contains strings and aspects of my previous incarnations in this realm. Once I master this extended wavelength and change its resolution via the inner light of wisdom the previously hidden darkness of this dimension clarifies in my vision just like the obscured side of the moon that was previously mentioned”.

Onwards and upwards in the quest for perfection because what you find next, once you are free of the surly bonds of the flesh, is that you are, indeed as well as action, the axis mundi in effect and thus (re)birth the vessel of higher consciousness that is your ticket out of this realm at the moment of death as its simply a case of reclaiming what you didn’t know you didn’t know you possessed. See why I said 81% will gladly live and die without doing the Knowledge because, for them, it simply takes too much effort or sounds to nebulous for them to even attempt. That and the voice in their head tells them “Balderdash and poppycock! I care not about this metaphysical BS when we can eat, drin and make merriment”. Sadly very few of them will ever get the fact that they can’t be the one yapping within when they are actually that which listens. This state I call Witness and its constant from one life to the next. Whether we’re speaking of incarnations, dimensions or simply lying in bed, dreaming, and believing what you see. That is why consciousness is the prime effect of everywhen and thus one who moonwalks by Knowing the Ledge comes back into alignment with the all of everything that each religious adherent sets off seeking. I wonder how many of them truly make it? Either way, I wish them the best because at least they wish to heal that schism within but most of those invested in the tales that were presented may find my perspective that they are the divine made flesh quite blasphemous even though a lot of the mainstream texts say just this:

“We are closer to thee than your jugular vein”.

“Me and the Father are one”.

“You are another me, together we”.

You know the rest, yes?

Mind is everything ergo the Game is mental and the split is in three halves, as I mentioned. What you know you know, what you know you don’t and what never even suspected or imagined because it was hidden from your awareness by not being illuminated. One must be willing to walk into the darkness in order to gain the spark of gnosis and its from this vantage, this resolution, that I’m pushing the pen because if only one man does it it may just be an elaborate illusion but if others join in and report back similar findings then we, personally and collectively, may be onto something as it certainly feels like mainlining the secret truth of the universe in ever increasing hits I call Knowing the Ledge but, unlike an intoxicant, its actually good for your health because those artificial boundaries and splits you accepted, back when, are healed and integrated back into a state of wholeness that is resonant with Inner Sense and thus you are Centered in Self and realize all in this realm are simply projected aspects of your consciousness ergo you have never met a stranger, only teachers in the flesh, designed to draw your attention within by healing and reparenting these splits into a state of cohesion that allows one to ascend beyond the current parameters of the Game as presented by the System and its psycho-social treadmill that presents the illusion of progress by installing yet more complex methods of division within as the voice in your head is screaming “Lies! Bold face lies and deception! Who ever heard such ridiculous things? I am you, ye are me. We are best friends. I say, you do. I’ve always been here, these things he’s say are new and alien so don’t listen to them. “A Game of three halves?” Pfft, he must be off his meds. Straight lunatic. Say, why don’t you go and do something else, right now, that feels pleasurable instead and I’ll strike this testimony from the record to ensure you remember to forget never to check out the willhelpme project again, yes?”.

To be frank most of the 81% wouldn’t have even got to the point mentioned as they’d have been gone with the wind before they could even get familiar with the concepts I’ve mentioned. Know this:

A Journey to the heart of what really matters is all I’m offering and not in the theoretical but via practical exercises and steps that increase your resolution whilst chipping away at your inherited ignorance. Net result? Well, from my own imperience, you feel a lot more natural bliss due to the drop of resistance needed to keep those feelings and events suppressed as you choose to integrate them. Not only this but when you are no longer being fed upon by the moon and its presence you become like the sun instead:

Equanimous and magnificent, shining with illumination but even this is still part of the trick that comes with the whole “Walking around in the flesh on a planet” thing which is the hallmark and grand attraction of this dimension hence its all about if you’re willing to Know the Ledge and get free or die trying because anything less is bondage.

The Game of Souls has you, my friend.

Till we meet again

Does Life Make Any Sense to You?

Does life make any sense to you? Take it any way you wish, as long as you truly think about it. Once you have bump up the resolution a bit from your own personal zone of discomfort that feels like a rut lined with velvet and look at the world as it is. Once again, take it to another level and look at the history of the species and then where we’re headed as a collective. Does life make any sense to you?

Granted, the average person nine to fiving doesn’t have the time nor inclination to think at this depth and most couldn’t care less. They like their nice, simple, predictable little existence as they sit and dig the Reality Tunnel they were prescribed, back when. Some of us prefer to walk on the wild side. The Path that isn’t paved and you create by walking and the only sign post says “Know thy Self”.

“That is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard and yet…” she looked from right to left like someone taking life in with Twenty/Twenty vision after having spent all of it until that moment with myopia inducing lenses stealthy inserted into her developing eyes, back when “It makes perfect sense”. She got up and started pacing, making random exclamations here and there, as her illusions shattered, one by one.

“Why me?” she beseeched. “What did I ever do to you? I didn’t ask for any of this. For a stranger to come up and say “I’ll let you buy me a drink and in exchange I’m going to tell you something you’ve spent your whole life waiting to hear“. I mean, gosh darn, if that isn’t the greatest line I’ve ever heard then I don’t know what is but it truly pales in comparison to this head trip you’ve just sent the person I thought I was on and left who knows what instead at the helm to pick up the pieces. What the hell, man? Couldn’t you have picked someone else?”.

“Sit down. Have a drink, kick off your shoes and breathe into your heels for a moment. Don’t ask how to do this, just remember it” he said smoothly and she complied, without resistance. “You will remember this moment for the rest of your lives” he added as she felt a glimmer within the kaleidoscope of her consciousness that was moonwalking as it did backflips. Raising a finger, he continues:

“Imagine I could press rewind and instead of me strolling in and saying this the rest of your night goes just as you expected. You walked in to this place after work, for a drink. The look on your dish says “Not interested” to anyone listening and, as you sip, you feel that warm glow of numbness that actually allows you to sense something you rarely allow yourself to admit is missing. You’ve been going through the motions with no emotion. You know there is something very wrong with all of this. You’ve felt it for as long as you can recollect. You were, however, smart enough to keep your head down and blend in. Your friends and family often warned you about your weirdness, your finicky preferences and constant quest for perfection like a squirrel chasing a nut without the faintest conception of what it is. Even if you’d found it you’d have tossed it and then headed off into the distance thinking “Nah, that ain’t it”.

That is life as you know it. Thats all you’ve really lost by listening. Its OK, you can admit it. You never really wanted it anyway. It was a mask you wore to fit in. Why? Because everybody else did. It was the done thing. Expected. Privately, however, you always felt there was something very, very wrong with this world. Something that didn’t make any sense because how could something that seems so beautiful be filled with such wickedness that runs around, unchecked? You marveled at the power of whats between your legs and how the promise of sex could get pretty much any man to do what you wish but you rejected that path as too simple, too obvious and chose to hone your intellect instead, which you did. Using that you carved a lane that gave you the freedom you craved and, right now, at the ripe old age of twenty eight you could say you’ve got it made. You’ve overachieved in a way that the child you could never have imagined and even though it took a lot of effort it never made you sweat or feel like it was a problem. Like water to a fish you just dived in.

Thing is, on the flip, your personal life is next to non existent. “Plenty of peenies, but not much else”, yes? Thats what you said, isn’t it?”.

She started mouthing ‘How the hell…” as he interrupted her train of thought again and said:

“Thats all you really lost by listening and the most amazing thing is since I bought that back into focus you may have just noticed the stress you felt before sitting and breathing is far more revealing than the confusion you felt after the initial revelation. How does it feel to almost Know thy Self?”.

Are you like, a crazy person? Is that it? Some kind of Svengali versed in the art of presentation and elusive conversation that intrigues women? All for what? To cop a feel then get em into bed? If it is I’ve got to say its a hell of lot of effort that screams over compensation. Like, couldn’t you just have walked up and said “Hi” like a regular person instead of mind F’ing me with a sentence that had my head screaming “No!” as my chest said “Yes””.

“What about between your legs? Actually, Ms Squirrel, I have something else I hadn’t mentioned. If A is B’s then whose is C?”.


“Deez these nuts” he said as she started laughing. “I’m surprised you don’t recognize me yet. You must still be stuck on stupid. Remember that life, the one you sort of half lived whilst waiting for someone or something to pop in and change everything? Well, now is that moment. The question is, can you handle the energetics? We both know you were secretly miserable. You had everything this world could give, plenty of men (and women) wanted to get next to you but, privately, you felt above them. Like they were not your equals. It had nothing to do with money, looks and status – even though you have all three – as you were seeking a spark, a resonance, a feel. You didn’t know what it was but were sure you’d spot it when you meet but the question, ma cherie, is what if you overestimated your abilities to comprehend the unexpected? After all, the very nature of a Game changing premise is usually unimaginable, yes? If it weren’t I’m sure someone as capable would’ve found a way to make it manifest without spending their life feeling like they’ve been running on a treadmill that offers more and more trinkets but nothing of the true depth which you’re seeking which is akin to planning a trip to a destination that doesn’t exist on any maps they’re selling. Obviously whatever happens its going to be a little mind bending and the fact of the matter that you’re sitting there, breathing, and still listening as the Psylense in your chest nods its head and says “He’s right, you know” proves that even if you could flip the page back and have the night go as you intended – keeping the world at a distance – you’d still choose to have this conversation with a man you just met ergo its all unfolding as intended. The question is, can you handle it”.

Before she could answer he continues:

“Going back to what I said we’re inside a huge Game that we’re playing using our Souls as credits and its designed to seem impressive because thats how it was made and our imaginations are that powerful at make believe and pretending that the blatantly ludicrous premise that a rock floats around in the abyss as it chases a fireball through a vacuum and we, little carbon based forms of sentience, wander around on its surface paying bills, having sex and steadily amusing ourselves to death because most are perfectly content to accept the script that was poured into their heads, back when, that they use to navigate this realm within a tiny set of limits that are entirely optional and can be dropped, in an instant. Should they wish”.

“The Reality Tunnel” she said.

“The Reality Tunnel. Its like a Game within a Game that places a wave within you brain and most get so caught up in that they think the map is the land itself. Tell me that doesn’t sound stupid? Like going to a restaurant and eating the menu instead of the food it promises because you can’t tell the difference? Worse still is you knew exactly what I meant because you felt the difference but still went along with the rest because the amount of loneliness you already had at feeling mostly miscomprehended couldn’t risk total isolation because you were holding onto your illusions by the thinnest strings. You were already more than half way done with that Reality Tunnel. I just came and clipped the last tie around your wings. Thats what you’ve been waiting to spread your whole life. Thats what you’ve felt like you were missing. Thats what caused the immense sense of anxiety and apprehension within as you became aware of another facet of Self that you’d been chasing. Chasing everywhere but within. How else can you imagine you relinquished all that you were only half invested in at best with a quickness after a few minutes of conversation with a guy you just met who came over with the most intriguing opening that got you interested. Look around” he gestures at the environment.

“If I had walked up to any one of these women here, sitting, how many of them do you think would comprehend or even allow themselves to think about the meaning of our conversation. I mean, I could try it, as an experiment, but be both know what will happen, yes? Either they’ll be perplexed but still interested or with it and even more interested”.

She snorts “You’re quite full of yourself, Mr Svengali” as she felt her old (false) self start recrystalizing as a part of her felt a threat by what she was hearing as jealously and fear reared its head along with curiosity and interest.

“Stop digging that old Reality Tunnel again. I can feel it. Live, die, repeat. You really don’t recollect a thing, do you? At least, not yet. Not on the conscious level” he said. “This isn’t the first life we’ve met but I’m certain it will my last spin in the flesh hence why I flew half way across the planet to make this happen as I knew you’d be waiting. The question, of which I’m still not certain, is your potential to handle the wavelength because, unlike you, I enjoy being alone. The company is fantastic” he smiled as he said it and she could tell he meant it.

“I need a drink” came from her lips as she motioned to the waitress and ordered a reup. “I can’t deny it. It all makes perfect sense. What the F, man? Couldn’t you be more subtle instead of wading in with guns blazing? How did you know I could handle it? What if I’d shook my head, said “Not interested” and told you to keep stepping?”.

“Wouldn’t that be something? How do you picture that quiet life of desperation playing out with such unactualized potential beating in your chest as it tries to get the message to your head via body language that the voice – which, by the way you may have noticed stop talking not long after we met – intercepts and says is something else? If I could flick the switch and shift you onto that timeline instead of this gift in the present you’re busy unwrapping, do you really think you’d pick it? Don’t be stupid. The very idea is ridiculous”.

He had a point and yet the feeling of having the world ripped from her eyelids as new streams of information poured in was not what she expected. “Then again” she thought, to her Self “If it was then it wouldn’t really be any different, now would it?”. Out loud she added “OK, I’m in. So, we’re inside a Game that we’re playing using our Souls as credits. Nobody knows they’re in the Game but, every now and then, some people figure it out. Most of them get killed, nailed to a crucifix or sectioned because in between each spin they do a handy, dandy spot of mindwiping in which the old life is peeled away, like a page from a diary, but the impressions of the ink are still left upon the freshly revealed surface of the Soul that steps in wearing new flesh to do it all again. And you, you know this because you figured it and we knew each other on another spin and you came to get me as you heart to the exit? That is, by far, the craziest thing I’ve ever heard and yet it all makes perfect sense”. The waitress came over with the drinks as the man said:

“Excuse me, Sophie. Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that, just for a moment, when you rose in bed your real life seemed fake until you eased back into it?“. She nodded her head as her eyes widened. “Oh my gosh! Yes. So much. I lxve sleeping, its the best part of life, I think, and sometimes I have these visions of styles and lives ancient as I’m wondering “Did that really happen or am I just dreaming?””. “Tell me, Sophie, do you think the other person you may or may not have been ever sees random scenes from this life you’re in as you walk around your mod con filled kitchen Facetiming your girlfriend? If they did, how would they make sense of the symbols and images because you can look back at the past and comprehend. Better yet, why haven’t you dreamt of future incarnations? Or maybe you did but faced the same problem of having no frame of reference via which to decode your imperience?”.

She opened her mouth, closed it again and then did a little impression of a goldfish. He continued talking:

“What if I said we’re inside a huge Game that we’re playing using our Souls as credits and its all taking place inside your imagination and thus I’m a figment of it which means I’m actually just another part of you thats telling you something you’re not ready or willing to be able to hear from your Self? What then?”.

“You mean, like The Matrix, or something?”.

“Yes, just like that. Thank you, you’ve been very helpful. Make sure you charge yourself a nice tip. Don’t worry, she can afford it” he said as he gestured for her to exit stage left. The girl in question had been taking in the scene with keen interest.

“OK, so its not a script. But it is. What you said at the start was totally different but still had that air of familiarness and borderline arrogance that says “I know you better than you know yourself” before easing into the Game of Souls thing. Why did you tell her to leave when it was just getting interesting? I wanted to hear about those dreams because when I close my eyes at night I don’t see a thing so find that fascinating”.

“What did you think about what I said about me simply being a part of her imagination? What if that was an accurate statement and the things that came from my lips simply happened by mirroring her energetics back to her awareness which is why the message seems so oddly specific as it comes from a depth beneath the head, Adulterated?”.

“Yeah, I did notice that because it certainly seemed whatever you said to her was as oddly specific as it was to me in my example. What was the point you were trying to prove? I don’t get it?”. He grinned:

“That not everyone is capable of stepping outside of the Reality Tunnel they’ve been digging since the System dropped all the programs in their head that made them trade thinking for Thunking as they move the same chunks of information around inside their heads as part of their safe, predictable resonance that learned to accept limits and labels in lieu of freedom and direct imperience. You don’t dream at night because you use those energetics during the day instead as you’re constantly attempting to peer around the corner of the maze life placed you in (by using your imagination) which is why when I mentioned the Game of Souls concept – which, in both her and your examples – explained the action which strings the pearls of your inner realm into a coherent narrative. For her the past lives seen at night were hint that this may not be what she suspects and for you it was it was the feeling that something vital is wrong and an essential part you once knew well is missing from the equation in this incarnation”.

“Yes, exactly. Why did you just check out of the conversation with her then and send her on her way. You know she’s been looking over non stop since then?”.

“If you want someone to like you, open your heart. If you want them obsessed, then close it. Thats not the point though, is it? Did you notice that even as she’d threaded the pearls onto a coherent string called narrative that not only made sense but had her interest the moment the explanation went to another level beyond her comprehension she didn’t rise to occasion but sank back to the programs the media had pumped in to her via formative experience and social hypnosis via entertainment hence “The Matrix” was the solution which precludes further consideration because, in her head, one plus one equals two whereas you came up with eleven. Thats the difference. In that respect she ended the talk by closing off the messages from her chest to listen to whats within her head instead whereas you, who were hanging on by only a string, were more than willing to relinquish its presence as you’d spent a life searching for something without ever finding because you didn’t have clue where your quest would start or end. All you knew was that something had to give and, in that respect, this is the feature presentation for which you’ve been waiting”.

“Interesting. So you’re a figment of my imagination. Ha! Thats crazy, but I like it. What about her” she said, gesturing at the waitress. “Is she just another part of me as well?”.

“Lets test it. Call her back and just start talking from your chest and lets see what happens”.

“Sophie, if we could switch lives, at this very instant, what would you pick? You as the waitress or me sitting here talking to this gent, ordering a drink, after a busy day at the office?”.

“Your life, easily. I can tell you’re a success plus you’re really attractive. I mean, thats a non brainer, isn’t it? Your life sounds like a dream”.

“What if I told you that by living it those night time visions in your head cease? The end. Every time you retire to your bed you close your eyes, fall into the darkness and rise the next AM without having seen, heard or felt a thing. What then?”.

“Oh my gosh. That would be horrible. Like I said, sleeping is the best part for me as I can’t wait to dream and then the next day it keeps me thinking about what I’ve seen and its true meaning. My girlfriend thinks its cute but just says I’ve got an overactive imagination because I’m a bit childish but I don’t know. Like, what if those really are other versions of me, like your friend said? No, I don’t think I could give that up if that was the deal”.

“Thank you for being honest. I want you to add on a five hundred dollar tip, treat you and your girl to a few drinks and a meal. Make some fresh memories and dream some dreams for me as well because not all of us are capable”.

The waitress smiled and went on her way with a spring in her step.

“She is my innocence. We really are pieces of each others imaginations. I’m the part of her that wanted to grow up, put the work in and strike it rich but she’s simply too comfortable in her one room apartment chasing these visions in her head with a steady object of affect as she’s stuck in a dead end job that offers endless conversations and random meetings with people that she finds way more pleasure in than financial accomplishment and actualization of her true potential. Thats her Reality Tunnel”. she said, lightly sighing. “The sword is double edged”.

“Do you envy her it?”.

In a way, she did but was comforted as well. “I’m actually glad for her. She is another me, isn’t she? At least she’s happy with her dreams and safe little reality in which things unfold as expected and she never stops long enough to draw the links between all of the separate bits. I get why you told her to leave now”. She’d noticed that beyond a cursory glance or two in their direction the waitress was now back to business and the whole interaction had been filed into her head as another day at the office. It was highly unlikely, no matter what she thought or dreamt again, that she’d ever stop and ponder the significance of what was said in this meeting. She simply wasn’t seeking and thus quite content to run along the same old treadmill in her head that thought it had all the big questions answered and the rest was there purely for entertainment. No such luck for her as she was constantly thinking, weighing up the options and trying to stay one step ahead of the rest whilst never clicking why she never truly felt like she fit in or what caused the difference that preferred distance to connection to societies basic resonance that the waitress delighted in.

“Wait a minute” she said “Does that mean if I shake the habit of daydreaming and wondering whats beneath the surface of every little thing then I too may be able to close my eyes and night and see visions as well? Thats what you said, isn’t it? After all, if she’s me and she can dream but is too rigid in her thinking to be intuitive and draw the links whereas I’m doing the flip and generating huge profits by making what others can’t imagine happen then surely if I change the variables I command then the outcome would shift, wouldn’t it?”.

“It might. If you’re inside a Game that you’re playing by using your Soul as a credit and this entire conversation is with a figment of your imagination” he said, as he gestured the waitress bring more drinks.

“Sophie, what if I were to say…”.

Till we meet again

Pain and Healing, What a Wonderful Feeling

Pain and healing, what a wonderful feeling of releasing the dead skin that kept me trapped in the mindset of Victim when Victor always was, is and will be and option because its not how it starts but how you end. Then begin again because the vicious circle just became a spiritualized spiral.

Welcome to the next level of the Game, my friend. I’m here and I want you to get on this wavelength.

I sit alone in my four corner room, staring, with fresh optics at the new vistas unfolding as my eyes drip. Did you hear that? Its the sound of the snowman melting as frozen ice ascends to a new wavelength that says:

Nothing will ever be the same again.

The truth of the tale, when one is in the belly of the whale, is that you got your Self into this in order to see what happens on the other end. Boy, does it feel good to swim in the seas of sentience that were awaiting my appearance with bated breath as I noticed the lungs that once held all that tension within my torso, paused, hit play again and delivered what was promised.

I am unfinite.

Me and the pre existing one – that comes in many names and flavors but truly abhors all labels as its a state to be imperienced within and thus can’t be found when one sticks their head into scripts then pretends to munch still pics, frozen, from times way before them as they miss what unfolds in the moment thanks to the chatter in their heads – are identical. So are you, my friend.

Its a present. Open it. Release the gift.

I say that to say this:

Pain and healing, what a wonderful feeling to be me, once again. A familiar newness that is dazzling in its brilliance as that once calloused consciousness fell to the side and revealed the fresh skin that had been growing, waiting and developing to make its grand appearance in the Game we all play by using our Souls as credits. I look back at the process, the events and the steps that led, and can’t help but shake my head with a grin as I think:

“This must be the song the diamond sings after transcending the limits of the coal it manifested in”.

You see? Thats the test. Thats the test, my friend, and sadly many people fail on the first attempt and are, instead, content to sit on the side line. A bit playa in their own performance. If that isn’t a fate worse that death where a little slice of hell is doled out in steady drips then I don’t know what is. Sadly many are so entranced by this, the allure of the label in lieu of direct imperience, that they’d rather run for the hills, screaming, than take that Journey within to the depths of their consciousness where the inner child does dwell.

He Knows the Prime because, like riding a bike, never one forgets which is why ye need to phiget instead as thats the key to a new melody played with far greater depth and effortless skill. Let me back up a bit and lace you with some Game that says:

Imagine everyone, everything and anywhen in this realm is not external and separate but a part of you instead that you project and interact with. That means there are no enemies, no strangers or such things. Nope, all you have is friends and teachers that come bearing gifts that may taste sweet or bitter on the surface it until you digest this and then it all makes perfect sense. Wars, conflict, pain and death are the siren call of the Adulterated who Know not this because they’ll point angry fingers at they, them and events without comprehending that the three aimed back show the true cause and effect therefore Know Thyself is the anthem of all Warriors in training.

The best thing about this is there is nothing to learn, just what you never remembered to forget by divorcing the present moment in a most acrimonious split, back when. What do I mean by this? Simple:

You take the most depressed, stressed and or hurting person and pretend you could flick a switch that erased the story in their head. Tell me, my friend, do you think their symptoms would still manifest as they did? “Course they wouldn’t, thats impossible”. The cure and the poison dwell within and when you comprehend that you can either feed and water the weeds or roses then you’ll catch my drift and ascend because the cloud floating overhead sees the rain that fell, pooled into a ocean and then was frozen, formed and molded into the snowman that reps most Souls inner realms.

Thats all you have to lose and its not something you ever wanted but now you’ve got it, what are you gonna do with it? Like I said, off rip, its not how it starts but where you end so if ye dare to do the Knowledge by embracing the darkness within you may just find the dazzling illumination of your true strengths that were hid by the tale of pain and suffering that many refuse to befriend as they were trained to look out instead. I mean, haven’t you ever wondered why nature, the most miserly yet abundant force there is, built a fully functioning optical lens but placed it inside the dark cave of your head? Let this light shine again and you’ll resurrect your Self and when you do I’ll be here to listen what you’ve seen and Witnessed because each one, teach one is the only method that makes sense as our inner realms are intense and private ergo there is no such thing as a psychological GPS with programmed predestination as one makes the Path by walking.

As you can probably tell thats the real and authentic version that life mimics with its psycho-social treadmill laced with opiate like effects for those who begrudgingly tread upon the only option they were trained to Thunk exists as another well formed brick of ignorance the world uses to build divisions that don’t exist beyond your own personal investment in the narrative they pimp. There always was, is and will be another option. The Path of Power is what I call it and only those who choose themselves dare set foot upon it because what I said, back then, about you being the only playa in the Game is empirically verifiable as the pre and post version of your Self that dwells in your head after doing the Knowledge is akin to a snowman that was scared to death of melting recollecting “Oh yes, I’m the same as the cloud from which the rains did drip and sing as they imperienced immense acceleration in their descent to this realm before taking some time to frolic with the rest as we passed through the concentration camp wing of the System that we treat like what was dropped in the cuckoos nest, back when, and, in the process, forget the true nature of Self which is, was and will be present within, just waiting for me to click that my consciousness doesn’t begin or end with the flesh as that is what simply modulates the reference of pure energetics that manifest as me, here, now, in the present moment”.

Its a wonderful feeling when you find that still bit in the midst of the pain and healing as you come to dwell in a state I’ve termed being Centered in Self because this does what it says on the tin as that familiar newness washes over your newly cleansed sentience so you sit there, with a grin, Knowing, for certain, you are an aspect of the Prime, the pre-existing, made flesh in this Game we all play by inserting our Souls as credits on the highest level of challenge that finesses billions, daily, via the use of a handful of tricks that are old as the hills but have one thing in common:

They always, always, always, always direct your attention anywhen but within. Turn your senses around, my friend, and dare to live the dictum that get free or die trying is the only sane option on this floating insane asylum because when whatever everyone else has done, without question, builds a world like this then its obviously not working. Exactly as intended…

The Game of Souls has you, my friend.

If I am the messenger then this is the message.

Till we meet again

All Beliefs Are Inherently Limiting

Look at a child. They live without limits. They don’t believe in anything. Know why? Belief is a poor substitute for Knowing. They step in with that connection, that certainty, that embodiment. Its Self evident and anyone around them can’t help but feel uplifted by the buoyant spirit of Inner Sense as it reignites the embers within them that currently dwell beneath layers upon layers of conditioning. See why I said that all beliefs are inherently limiting? Thing is most people can’t imagine being without them and thus are doomed to live and die as prisoners of their subconscious as this is where said concepts rest and exert their influence upon their day to day awareness. That a pretty wild image, isn’t it?

The saddest part about this trick is those beliefs are written in brightly colored inks with a childs scrawl as they were penned during their formative stages of embodiment. Thats is a very ugly truth but its what beats in the chest of the Adulterated and they dare not examine it because this parasitical state of consciousness ensures your investment goes where it directs and not the loose threads you could pull and reintegrate your Self by unravelling the narrative that I’d be willing to bet isn’t empowering. This is why the greatest enemy lives inside your head and you not only Thunk they’re you’re best friend, you believe you’re actually them. That is, by and large, the craziest thing about life on this planet. The second has to be how people will rail and protest against this, even though they’re miserable in their current role as living hostages. It usually takes someone who has been pushed to the brink in order to be willing to Know the Ledge as a lot of people are so plugged in to this construct that the idea of disconnection seems like a death sentence. Which it is. For the Adulteration. Basically, the Path of Power is a process of unlearning and uses the gift of introspection to forge a link with your imagination as you, once again, step back into the Kingdom below the neck which is actually your divine heritage and true inheritance. In order to make this happen you have to be willing to grant your Self the freedom to think different and, with a pinch of pretend mixed in with some guidance, you’ll soon be making miracles because once you taste liberation you’ll never accept any form of domination again. Until you’ve tried the alternative you truly can’t comprehend what I’m saying because its a literal weight off your shoulders (or anywhere else thats hurting) as you lose the numbness and regain your presence as king of your dome and master of your awareness.

Its like seeing the code of the Matrix, or wearing a pair of They Live specs, after this because you’ve shifted your resonance into a place of wonder thats filled with a familiar newness I call Inner Sense. Its a heck of a lot more fun and way less stress than being Adulterated, that much is for certain, but you’d be surprised at how many people are addicted to their misery. What is at the root of all this? Beliefs. Look at the nature of that spell, my friend, “Be a leaf” they said as they stitched this artificial constraint onto a natural process inside your head then painted it green inside your subconscious. Imagine, in a parallel realm, everything is identical to this moment except the spell they used there is “Bebrick”. See how quickly you’d reject it then as you have another vantage? Now its dangerous hue, its artificially constrained shape with pointy straight edges and underpinned feelings of pain, rage and shame would be so Self evident that you’d turn to them and say “All bebricks are inherently limiting“. I’ll let you guess the reaction of those people on that planet.

Words are weapons and thoughts are things. Its so Devilish, friends, as they keep whats right in front of your vision hidden and are totally confident you won’t find it because its Self evident and most people are entirely ignorant of the Kingdom within. The trick is the cure grows right along with the poison and the amazing thing about leaves is they wither and can be shed if not constantly fed so why not let them go and see what buds instead of this constant drain on your psychospiritual resources that generally makes you stressed and miserable due to living a performance instead of being direct and authentic as you truly wish. Always an option, no matter how well its hidden. With this gnosis you can rewrite your internal OS and suddenly the pills and potions and various other coping mechs are rendered useless because this is what they promise but never deliver:


Its what we secretly seek in all relationships, religion and riches when the truth of the matter is it can’t be bought, traded or gifted. One must be willing to put the work in and grant it to themselves. Now, consider we, as a species, are inherently drawn to pleasure and away from pain so you need to go against the grain and ignore the voice in your head as it rails and protests whilst offering countless suggestions and alternatives because each step you take to debrick signals a death knell for its reign of terror thats ending. Always an option. Try this:

Grab a pad a pen and answer this question:

“What do you believe about your Self?”.

Keep asking and answering. Better yet do it with both hands, red and black ink, as detailed in the link. The results can be quite interesting. You want to keep going until you start feeling the feelings and the statements become more and more simple like “I’m bad”, “I’m stupid” or “I’m unwanted”. These are the routines and commands that are etched inside your subconscious and run your day to day. Scary, isn’t it? Also shows why the world is how it is because all of this infantile posturing and conflict from the interpersonal upto the geopolitic is based on these imprints because the wounded womb hurts the seeds its births as this social sickness infects one generation after the next. You, right now, at the solution to this worldwide problem because all you can change in this Game is your mind. Funny thing is when that happens the rest shifts to accommodate your new old wavelength and thats how it feels to be a true playa in the flesh vs one that is being operated by forces that which they refuse to comprehend due to the immense fear and dread within that ensures they know plenty about everything but nothing about their Self.

Dare ye Know the Ledge?

Till we meet again

Exponential Growth After a Near Death Experience

They say there can be no initiation without the risk of death being present. That, to me, now makes loads of sense when I look at what I was and am becoming as the difference between the pre and post is on a whole nother octave of expression. Have you ever seen how a tree grows? The inside attempts to transcend the outer limits of the shell wrapped around it and thus the bark splits in order to accommodate the shift.

Thats exponential growth after a near death experience, in a nutshell. The revelation of what was otherwise hidden. Muscle building works just like this as done any other habit or skill ranging from driving a car to juggling. In many ways you could say this is the blueprint of life in this realm. Sadly, many people are in a state of arrested development that is akin to the old bonsai tree thing because (without the external limits placed upon it) what is within is identical to its fully formed expression.

In retrospect all of my life was building to this event and it was going to have its actualization in one of two scales. Either I would be the one handing out the death or I would be on the receiving end of the business. I’m glad I had the wisdom in the moment to make the wisest decision even if what followed was a maelstrom of emotion and energetics that left me hanging onto my flesh by the faintest golden thread. “Ah, thats me!” I said as I floated around in the abyss and came face to face with my Self that is eternal and immaterial. Actually, lets back up for a bit because nothing exists in a vacuum and there was a precursor event to this:

If you were into lifting in the early double ohs you’ll know, quite well, about the preworkout phenomenon. If energy drinks give one a hit then these bad boys were akin to smoking rocks. Or meth. Actually, the latter is quite accurate as they got banned, pretty quick, due to using derivate compounds that had much in common with said substance. The feeling of training on them was immense. You literally had limitless strength as you’d unlocked reserves of energetics you were previously unaware you possessed. Needless to say, personal bests were obliterated during the reign of these supps and the muscular growth was magnificent. How does this link into my near death experience? Simple:

One fine spring day I’d been heavily training chest and had got to the point where I simply could not push out another rep. My upper muscles were pumped and yet I was still raring to go so I decided I’d run home instead of driving. See the logic? Anywhen, that I did (at full belt) in order to get the excess of the preworkout out of my system and thus I unlocked the door whilst quivering as I was absolutely starving and needed to be fed. “First I’ll get fresh” I said, inside my head, and whilst getting undressed I flopped down on my bed as I was totally exhausted after much intense exertion. Thats when something quite strange happened. You ever walked up the steps and expected another there that wasn’t present? Well, take that imperience and flip it into this:

I flopped down on the bed, eyes closed, and just kept falling and falling. It felt like it was endless. A void or abyss would describe it best. Thankfully I was no stranger to mapping my awareness and thus remained Centered in Self as it was happening so I took it all in with a sense of wonderment at what was unfolding. Who I was on Earth, the life I’d lived, the guy lying on bed – all vanished. I was somewhen else. A place that was far more real and authentic. I knew it well but couldn’t quite state the rhyme or reason for where I found my Self yet. Looking around in the darkness I became aware of an immense radiance, shining, that was colored with a hue that doesn’t exist in this realm. A luminescent iridescence of pure sentience describes it best but that doesn’t capture the shimmer and sense of presence that was effortlessly flowing through my awareness now separated from the flesh and the five sensory limits provided by this three dimensional realm. This was a full on multi-modality thing. I knew, intuitively, I was this. Before, during and after the flesh. Imagine if you’d spent your lifetime looking at pictures and mistaking those flat Two D representations for reality itself and then, instead, were plunged into the actual event and thus could feel the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair and sand under your feet as you took in the feel of a kiss being placed upon your lips that grin as you’re fully present in the moment with her slender limbs draped around your neck as you sense the beat of the heart in her chest that your presence makes swell with pure affection and attraction via electromagnetic activation and holographic resonance. Live and direct. Then amp this up by infinity and you still wouldn’t be close to how it felt.

Coming face to face with my faceless presence is simply indescribable because it was all underpinned with an immense sense of Knowing. I knew I was this. I knew I was perfect. I knew I was eternal. What followed next in this exchange, or recalibration to be more accurate, is a private thing but I shared it as it links to what happened during my near death experience as we met again that I detailed, elsewhen. I strongly suspect this is why what we call ghosts exist in this realm because they are from Souls that have died without Knowing the Ledge and thus are quite surprised to find themselves feeling much like they did when wearing flesh but now in a totally different frame of reference. As I was taking in the scene and marveling at the fact that I can see via ten eighty degree vision that extends beyond dimensions I felt a wave permeate this ribbon of consciousness that shared the awareness:

“He is dying”.

Just like that. Not words. An observation. No emotional investment or lofty proclamation. Just a statement.

One of the weirdest things about all of this was looking at my own countenance from a third person perspect as he was rapidly expiring and losing vital fluids. At that moment the earthbound aspect of me (that is a fractal expression of this pure awareness. A state I call the Witness) did raise a protest. “Nope, not happening. We’ve came too far and been through too much to call this the end. You’re a Soul with a mission to uplift the collective so lets get back to the flesh as this will still be here at the end of our spin and the aim is to sprinkle some wisdom in this realm before hearting to the exit”.

In a flash I was back in my body and it was fighting for dear life. Later on, whilst introspecting, I noticed that the event that bought me back from a higher realm was my forefinger automatically circling my upper lip. Did you know that if you do that to an epileptic having a fit it also snaps them back to a regular state of embodiment? Interesting, yes? This was then rapidly followed up by quite a few intuitive movements that I later discovered were akin to jumpstarting the radiant circuits within that I’ll soon be sharing as they are a really, really great way of changing how you feel and keeping the change. The aftermath of this was so intense that I can only refer to animation in order to share the message:

You ever seen those cartoons were a character literally jumps out of their skin?

That is exactly how it felt. Exactly. I was now between both worlds. Up the creek without a paddle, or so it seemed. Like I said, no true initiation comes without the risk of death because otherwise its just pretend and only one who has leapt into the abyss can truly claim to Know the Ledge. In that respect I owe great honor and respect to my friends who arranged all of this in secret via various illicit shenanigans and behind the scenes maneuvering. I do also wonder about all of the Souls that met a terrified end doing this or wound up as in patient schizophrenics, heavily sedated, while trying to put together the pieces of what just happened. More on this later as I had many a revealing conversation in various insane asylums with those who intuited I was “One of them… But different”. Like I said, my adventure in the flesh has been most interesting and it just keeps improving in ways I can’t currently imagine in every metric.

See, one of lifes greatest secrets is that the flesh isn’t where it begins or ends. Its simply a waypoint of a process of condensing. See what I wrote previously about the snowman being scared of melting and you may catch my drift. On a more mundane aspect this is the same process that kicks each night as you drift as various circuits go offline in order for you return to your source and then get plugged back in again on rising. This is why you may get up some times seeming less than perfect and say things like “I just don’t feel like my Self. Must be the way I slept”. Man often trips over great truths in this realm. Sadly most dust themselves off, pay it no mind and get back on with the business of living. Not me.

It seemed my first trip beyond the flesh where I’d pushed my body beyond the limits and became pure spirit in the process was a trailer to this feature presentation. Thing is now I had to find a way to fix my ravaged energetics that had been ripped to shreds in the process. Getting back to the deal it felt like some force had swung an immense axe at my family tree and all that remained before the “Timber!” yell was the tiny sliver of bark holding on that refused to give in. That, as I’d later find, was the child within. Actually, I’m grinning as I type this because the gift of that reconnection was so immense and wonderful because he knew way more that I could ever imagine and that strength currently dwells within each Adulterated Soul in this realm and that realignment with Inner Sense could be said to be the intent of the willhelpme project of which you are now a participant because life without this gnosis is akin to wearing a welders mitt and wondering why your sensations have dimmed. Or looking at flat pictures in lieu of the direct imperience. That pesky Mind Made Prison strikes again!

If I could pick up your Witness now, where it is in that well worn groove of the record of your life performance, and switch it back to the state of Inner Sense you’d get, in an instant, what I meant. What I’ve been pondering today is if that is even possible without dancing with death as I did? If not then there is no point in all of this but, on the flip, I strongly suspect that the tools and methods I’ve developed in the oh so lucky thirteen years between now and then can be of immense help to anyone who wishes to truly feel alive again. See, the saddest thing about reality, as it is, is that most people are running around with a very badly programmed internal OS in their heads that is almost entirely disconnected from their chest and abdominal intelligence. These I call the Three Kingdoms. Just bringing these back online gifts a world of difference to the previous version of you that will seem dumbed down and numbed out in comparison. Life is simply more vivid.

They say that which doesn’t kill simply exists to reveal a strength one didn’t know they possessed until the meeting. Of this I can attest because one of the most intriguing things about this event was it took all my theoretical research and ponderings and made them extremely visceral yet totally metaphysic as well. Non dual, I believe they call it. In the world, but not of it. As such how can one harbor any ill will toward the ruffians that plotted my end by posing as friends whilst being secretly hell bent on my destruction and exit from this realm before my mission could truly begin? It also offers immense hints about the fact that there is a force that is far superior and yet more subtle that favors my mission so lets keep on keeping on because the feature presentation is about to begin and I can safely say you will remember these events for the rest of your lives.

That sentient light that I mentioned is you, in essence. From one incarnation to the next you are truly playing hide and seek with your Self except the tale in your head changes from one spin to the next and you keep chasing it on the psychosocial treadmill the System designed and built in order to profit from your ignorance and suffering. That is just one way of playing the Game we’re playing using our Souls as credits and there are many, many alternatives. The Path of Power is one such thing. A collection of insights, methods and tools for reality testing and changing your wavelength in ways that are as palpable as they are ineffable as everything changes yet remains the same as you are now decoding instead of being encoded. That old peri/telescope strikes again! Actually that makes me think of two things I’ll share before I jet:

First, there is a programming language to this reality that I’ll share using the metaphor of a mansion with nine party guests in fancy dress that make up your adventure in the flesh. Everyone is ran by this as its the basis of their existence and why their life is as it is. This is testable, mappable and empirically verifiable hence reality is scripted and free will is an illusion. Actually, its a muscle that one must build. You can think of it as DLC, not standard equipment but worth investing in. Second, they say that babies only have two fears when they step in. One is loud noises and the other is falling. Know why this is? Its because of the real big bang that happens when sperm meets egg and this is a hyper dimensional process. Imagine a Yin/Yang split of complementary opposites, currently disconnected and thus still potential, in which the heavenly light shines into earthbound darkness at your moment of inception stealthily getting bound together by 8 golden threads that will form the axis around which this duality spins. The thunder cracks when it links and the illumination is immense as that which is unfinite is now being wound around cells that engage in mitosis in order to form the flesh you’ll wear to interact with this realm as your consciousness rushes toward this dimension via the resonance being built by that which will house it for this spin of the Game we all play by inserting our Souls as credits.

This is the same glow that I mentioned from my near death experience. The same one that makes pregnant women seem illuminated from within and shines from the eyes of all children (Remember, we are all Warriors when we step in) before they’re Adulterated by the machinations of the System and become mere fragments of themselves running on the psychosocial treadmill with the rest. Liberation from this by the consideration of another perspective to recode your internal OS is all the Path of Power is offering:

A way to become more of your Self.

Not theoretical hypotheticals or metaphysical navel gazing, let the dead bury the dead with that mess. Actual methods and things you can implement here, now, in order to make an immense difference when it comes to your embodiment and wavelength. Here’s your starter for ten:

Find a spoon that is made from a magnetic metal. Take said implement and rub it around in circles and figure 8s on the soles of your feet before you go to bed for a few minutes each. See if you notice the difference. For best results do it again upon rising and any time you feel less than vibrant and after twenty one consecutive rays of this new habit I’m quite certain you’ll notice a shift in your baseline awareness. Say, think you may tread upon a “Soul” that hold the keys to “Heal” for a reason?

The Game of Souls has you, my friend.

Till we meet again

Do You Have an Aggressive Intellect?

Do you have an aggressive intellect?

81% of the people walking around on the planet don’t. They did, once upon a when, but it was trained, cajoled or beaten out of them so they learned to accept what someone else said. Not so for those with an aggressive intellect as they are akin to a traveling salesmen knocking on door of wisdom and failure is not an option as gnosis is their main quest in this incarnation.

Now, that may sound a tad dramatic but really it isn’t. If you’ve ever been so engrossed in researching that you forget to eat and didn’t notice the sun dipping and rising again whilst you were reading then congratulations, you have an aggressive intellect. Back when, in school, these types were often seen as problem children. Nowadays they’d be medicated, real quick, and that shows you the true nature of the System which brooks no questions that are not part of its syllabus. Another common trend is they may reject tradition or themselves be outcasted from their own people. This part is really, really interesting and it comes down to the fact that an endless inquiry is a like a thirst that cannot be quenched by surface level understanding as innerstanding is what is needed. To those who are plugged in, card carrying members your views may seem blasphemous and this isn’t strictly limited to religion as you can extend it to many concepts like science and why its nine to five. Know why? Because eight to six may just kill a bish!

Best believe the Slave/Masters who set all of this up for this spin on the Game are really quite excellent at creating a Mind Made Prison inside the heads of those who accepted the programming and then convinces them that freedom (which costs for every step) is found by how well you decorate your personal insane asylum.

Like I said, saying these kinds of things to those who have no Knowledge of Self can seem quite caustic because its something they secretly wondered, once upon a when, but never dared to express. This is the Warriors mindset and its standard equipment for every Soul that steps into this realm and only 8% will possess its innate skills and deal over the age of twenty six. Life for them is, often, not the best. Why? Because they’re constantly going against the grain like salmon swimming upstream where the bear awaits them. Call it another level of challenge in the Game, variables that keep it interesting or those that reject the programming. The labels are irrelevant because at the heart of this is an aggressive intellect that simply refuses to accept anything presented to them with the official seeming stamp of “The way it is”. Know what comes next?


Have you ever wondered why this spell sits between X and Z? Because most are already written off before they get to this step due to the nature of the System and its various limbs that exert influence and thus they end up sleepwalking living a life that somebody else scripted. Say this to them and they’ll deny it with a vehemence that is quite interesting because the real truth doesn’t need to be defended but intricate lies demand constant bloodshed.

Like I said, things like this make me wonder about the true intent of this realm that mangles your awareness by Adulterating your consciousness after tearing it to shreds during your development. “You came here to serve a life sentence” once came up in conversation and the uproar from the room was immense. “You’re wrong”. “You’re depressed”. “Obviously anyone who thinks this is miserable” and such things dripped from their lips as I sat there, grinning. They then went onto list a huge chunk of reasons why life was fantastic, how great it is to be them and why my statement is so stupid. What happened next was most interesting as for the next month whenever we met and they started to mumble or grumble about something they detest I simply said “Life sentence!” then dipped to allow them to reflect on it. It got to the point that it worked like Pavlovian conditioning and they could tell it was coming and thus ensured only good news dripped into my awareness from their presence as they modulated their behavior to keep up with their (false) self image.

After all of this one Soul said:

“I get it. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. You know, I never realized how much I hated all of this because I dared not face it“.

I asked him to stop drinking and start thinking instead as I handed him a notepad and pen with the request:

Question everything you do for the next nine days until you get to a bare metal emotion”.

This he did as he had a Warriors spirit and coming face to face with his illusions simply made him furious as the trick was large, so immense and so slick that he hadn’t seen it coming. And he prided himself on being two steps ahead to which I said:

“You are on the psychosocial treadmill. Thats why the rest acted like they did because they know, secretly, but dare not admit it as they all use the same barometers of false progress which manufacturing proof for the lies they tell themselves”.

Nine days later he rocked up with a few more pads, well scribbled, as he said:

Man, what the F? Are you kidding? Are you kidding? I wish I’d never done this because now I can’t unknow it and have to keep on trekking“.

I let him vent then asked:

“If you were to compare your internal temperature in terms of Self Knowledge between then and now what would you say is the main difference?”. He paused, reflected and then responded:

“I want to know”.


Everything. If feels like I’d spent most of my life with this mask on my dish that I got so used to seeing I’d forgotten what the real flesh was like underneath. I can’t stop now. Its simply not an option and never will be because it feels like…”.

“Like you’ve awakened from sleep?”.

“Yes, exactly! Just that. I’ll admit I thought the Mind Made Prison concept was some special kind of craziness you’d picked up whilst dealing with lunatics because it makes sense when looking at their madness but now I get that as they seem to we I must’ve seemed to thee except this insanity is socially sanctioned, never inspected and rarely questioned“.

Needless to say his family turned up to yell that I was a bad influence that had corrupted their son with my philosophical ramblings until I asked them how much happier does he seem? How much fuller of life and keen to learn he felt? Was there an old spring back in his step? Could they see beyond the curtain of their own ignorance and accept something fresh flowering within the one they bought into this realm? The father didn’t get it, the mother nodded her head. Turned out he’d had quite a harsh upbringing that isn’t uncommon with the religious where faith was literally beat into them and he used to ask a lot of these type of questions, back when. Ranging from “Why is there evil if god is all powerful?” up to “If everything is as he intended then how can one go to hell if he made us like this?” as well as “If everyone praises the same thing then why are they always fighting?“. She had, secretly, wondered such things but never dared bring them to her lips but did listen as her developing child questioned the why of what is. Her husband, on the flip, saw that as straight up blasphemous so when I showed her the potential timeline of her seed, in less than a decade, going off the rails during what they’d term a mid life crisis (which is actually due to the Spiritual Immune System making a resurgence which we’ll get into elsewhen) she said:

“That all makes sense. You truly are a good friend”.

As a result their relationship became way more nurturing than it had ever been and, eventually, his father came round as well so he exclaimed, with a grin:

“My boy is very well read, he is a true scholar, par excellence. That is divine passion roaring within him to comprehend all of this magnificent creation. Blessed be this miracle!” proudly, to his friends, who nodded their heads after hearing him speaking.

As you can probably tell he’d readjusted his Reality Tunnel to drape this socially acceptable skin over his childs development after the initial birthing pains of freedom that are the hallmark of an aggressive intellectual. In many ways this is simply a trend that is part of our innate Inner Sense coming back to the helm. In a world of fakeness the real is seen as a threat because artful deception taints most peoples perceptions and thus knows that if the authentic doth resurrect then surely its the end for them and their dominance. In Matrix-speak, many are simply not ready to be disconnected and, worse still, will actively fight for their bondage as they raise up symbols they don’t truly comprehend beyond the officially sanctioned stamp in their head that says “The way it is”.

To me, it seems, that the first, last and only freedom in this realm dwells inside your head, and yet, many never develop this muscle and allow it wither instead as they become intellectual invalids who are spoon fed what to Thunk by that voice inside their head. Thats a deeper topic and I wish for this one to be a swift missive so we can cover that, elsewhen, should you wish. For now, know this:

Most people walk around in a state of arrested development. I call that state Adulterated and its akin to a callous on their awareness. Dead skin that prevents true feeling and intuition, in the moment. That is, after all, the only time that ever exists as the ones to come are termed future in the heads of those who call those that left the past and thus many never, ever unwrap the gift of the present. Within it are countless things of wonder, so astounding, that to speak on them is a fools errand but I will say this:

Imagine you rose from bed, the next AM, and instead of that old internal OS you knew so well that found life boring and predictable you had Inner Sense back at the helm. It looks around at the concepts you’d accepted with a new perspective and instantly does spring a fresh train of thought which is directed solely at one station:

Who am I?“.

That really is the Game, in a nutshell, and why I’ve said that it all plays out inside your awareness. Comprehending this in the flesh is something so subtle yet blatantly obvious that it makes life before gnosis feel like you’d been wandering around in a scuba diving outfit with welders mitts on your wrist. Numb and disconnected. Instead the simplest of things can become so enchanting and this state itself is most addictive for not just the Soul but those surrounding as its akin to a light, long dimmed, shining, once again, in the darkness. So, I ask you, my friend:

Do you have an aggressive intellect?

If so, nurture it. We are living in times of unparalleled freedom and access to information so become the vehicle of your own liberation as a rising tide of awareness lifts all ships made of flesh that weren’t aware there are other options. Such is the nature of the Game of Souls as its designed to be addictive and the fact that 81% (Plus the other 11 that get served a similar dish with different garnish) accept the script, without question, shows the power of collective hypnosis and its from this that Warrior within must awaken by Knowing the Ledge.

Pure consciousness is all there is and that doesn’t begin in your head or end at your skin. Ultimately you are this. The rest is simply part of the great illusion of the Game we’re playing by inserting our Souls as credits for the flesh we’re currently wearing and the story inside your head that most dare not question, even if it makes them miserable and driven to distraction from one day to the next in ways that are so predictable.

Till we meet again

You Are Here to Overcome Yourself

The only toxic relationship you have in this world is the one with your (false) self. The sad thing is many people don’t comprehend this because they dwell under the ever increasing burdens of this construction that is built upon layers and layers of programming, ignorance and misdirected attention. Those who don’t Know, the 81%, actually Thunk this (false) self is them.

As you can probably tell its not only a seductive but destructive habit because it runs unchecked among a vast chunk of Souls in this realm and thus they perish due to a lack of Self Knowledge. To put it in a more visceral way:

You use your car to get from A to B, yes? At no point do you step into said vehicle and say:

“I am the latest lineage holder of this brand and its heritage” and then proceed to define every single thing about you via this chunk of metal placed upon four rims. That seems quite stupid, doesn’t it? No matter how much you enjoy what it provides, how it gleams in the sun or the way the acceleration makes you feel there is a very, very clear demarcation between the me that is, before, after and during, and that which it uses to bring that imperience.

That is how I feel about the flesh, the story that used to run in my head and its immense influence on the rest because of my misidentification with the facts it presents which are actually fiction. Lets pretend, for a moment, that the car itself becomes sentient once you’re behind the wheel. It has no autopilot function, it is, in effect, a parasitic process that needs your presence in order to do what was intended. What if it was scared to death of you walking, strolling or dancing without it and thus conspired to keep you hemmed in. Imagine the world it would build from this perspective being placed in everyones heads. Can you think how the people would feel? How alienated? How disconnected? How unable to share their inner realms, their true Self, with the rest due to this huge hunk of tin wrapped around what is so soft and delicate?

That state I call Adulteration and its both the problem and solution when it comes to true happiness as the car in question that ticks inside your head is made up of a lifetimes conditioning that has, for most people, never, ever been examined. All of the various texts, both sacred and profane, are quite thin on ways to navigate this realm and deprogram your Self. Could that be because those mechanical minds that came before and laid the groundwork for this state of affairs wish to keep this hidden? Maybe, maybe. Or you could say thats part of the greatest challenge when it comes to playing the Game of Souls on this level thus one most worthy of investigation.

What you find within can be startling as you may be living a life that is the equivalent of a three wheeled Reliant that lacks in all types of sport and finesse plus is a huge challenge to keep balanced and go where you’re headed. You are, in effect, fighting a battle within that is entirely optional. If you click what I’ve just said then you’re one step aheart of the rest because logic dictates:

“Wait a minute, if I create the vehicle via my emotional investments and power of attention then those constructs placed within, back when, can be removed and, should I wish, I could rebuild something far more in line with my true intent”.

Yes, that is entirely possible. Dare I say natural because that, in and of itself, is mechanical Thunking that uses the precepts of the car made flesh in order to imagine another version of it that ensures your keep coloring in within the lines it set. In that respect do you think Kermit prays to an angry white man on a cloud, floating overhead, or something more in line with his own green flesh? Food for thought, yes?

What happens when you strip away this unneeded mess is nothing short of enlightenment but one must be willing to venture into the darkness that is repped by their ignorance. Because your Opponent is smart he uses the signal of fear in your awareness as ensuring you don’t step upon the Path which leads to liberation ergo when you sense this realize its simply a street sign on the way to healing and the freedom this brings.

Now, I’m not saying this is good, bad or anything else. It simply is and in order to change anything one must be willing to accept everything as that shifts the blame Game way of Thunking into something far more productive and simple because it clicks that no matter the event you and your vehicle have met there is only one constant:


To be more accurate, your Self. That capital S makes all the difference as what I’m referring to is eternal, all changing and supremely powerful. Matter of fact once you delve into the abyss of ignorance that houses your true potential you may recollect previous incarnations in which you were a jet, flying overhead, with such an immense sense of freedom that all you can do is grin at the current vehicle as it starts to make way more sense because, in both cases, the pilot was identical. Sure, his imperience was totally different but thats all part of the Game and thus what I’m sharing is the key to freedom because if you rock up at the exit after this spin, flash your headlights and attempt to get cleared for boarding you’ll find you are well over the weight limits as that frame, that shell, that encasing awareness is an earthbound concept and thus must remain in this realm because it is not what stepped in.

Those who haven’t done the Knowledge or realized this whilst living will clutch to their logo, their service record, their fine leather trim and bumping sound system as them. Why wouldn’t they? Its all they know as they’ve never stepped out of said thing and actually lay on the ground, for a moment, and watched the stars overhead. If they did they’d look around at all the people, zipping this and thataway, with a grin as they think:

How could so many people miss whats Self evident?“.

Thats the power of doing the Knowledge, my friend, because awareness is akin to water. It will take the shape of whatever its poured in and thus you are here to overcome your (false) self by comprehending you are something else. The voice in your head, however, does not like this and actually takes the gnosis of what I’ve said, in a feltsense, as a threat to its dominance. It needs you to invest in the tale of the vehicle with its logo and branding that was drafted, back when, so that you too pass this onto your children as their heritage. In that respect the tale is as comic as it is tragic because all of the wars waged and the rest of the problems we’ve met are due to this disconnection from what is true, eternal and unchanging. I mean, imagine if you went to bed tonight, had a dream, got up, did your thing all day then slept and found your previous sequence continued where it last ended. After a while it really would be quite difficult to tell whats really real and whats inside your head, yes?

Welcome to the Game that currently has your Soul in its grip and for that latter word read pure consciousness as that is what powers this entire realm ergo you something that is so strong yet gentle that to imperience it again is to wander and wonder in Inner Sense with a grin on your lips hence why, I suspect, many refer to this place as the grand cosmic joke that begets many tears of suffering as it what it offers is regret by both those who digest it and those who haven’t tasted it which is why there is such a huge line, waiting, for their spin in the flesh of their earthbound vehicle that carries within a tale it repeats, again and again, like a personalized form of hypnosis that ensures most of the world are sleepwalking in a state of Adulteration and disconnection from that which makes it all possible:


To be more specific, your Inner Sense.

The Game of Souls has you, my friend.

Till we meet again

Everyone Falls for This Scam. Including You

Everyone falls for this scam. Including you. The question is are you willing to admit you’ve been fooled in order to become wise or will you die on the lie and reap what you sow when it comes to the end of this Game you’re playing by inserting your Soul as a credit? Whats the scam? Simple, this:

We are energetic beings, first and foremost. Before, during and after this realm you are pure consciousness that manifests via the resonance of the Witness that powers the Observer Effect which allows this dimension to coalesce wherever you place your attention. Without you, none of this exists as it would just dwell as unrealized potential hence why women glow when pregnant as a new light, shining, is being prepped for this realm and will see from its own unique perspective when manifest. Once they step into the world their Inner Sense is free flowing but it will soon be damned with all kinds of obstacles that cause immense frustration and leads this state to dim – thanks to the non stop conditioning heaped upon them via the System that tells them what (and not how) to think. See why I call this process Thunk, instead? After this they fall for the trick of being divided from their internal Kingdom as they now dwell in Adulteration as their fragmented, unexamined awareness starts speaking to them and directing their actions, thus they live out the rest of their lives like a puppet on a string dancing at the ever shifting whims of a madman in their head they Thunk is them as they never stopped to introspect or ask themselves:

“Wait a minute. How can I be this voice when I’m obviously that which listens?“.

If you’ve ever wondered or attempted to quantify the difference between that radiant Inner Sense of childhood and what you ended up with in your grip once Adulterated but found it quite difficult now you know the reason. Its a (false) self protective mechanism for this intrusive presence which lulls most people into living a strange Game of Simon Says… as they daily murder their authentic potential by listening to its suggestions and then enacting them. All via the voice in their heads that they Thunk is them. Admit it, did you fall for the scam? Did you feel a sense of discomfort reading this? Was the siren sound wailing within attempting to distract your attention, elsewhen? For it anything is better than you knowing this because you coming back to life, back to reality and placing your true Self at the helm signals a fate worse than death for the one who pretends to be you as it jacks your potential to live its life instead. Not for nothing are mind and mined homonyms because that is exactly what happens within and thus the Devilish tongue comes with its own hints for those who are paying attention on this level. Choosing ignorance can be most expensive but, like I said, everyone falls for this scam. Including you. Knowing the difference can make all of the difference because most of the pain, rage and suffering in this realm is due entirely to something that doesn’t exist and is, quite literally, a figment of your imagination.

Its had the entire world in its grip for the past few thousand years and counting. All you see around, bright and dim, stands as testament to its flawed ways of Thunking which allow the occasional flash of genius to manifest if it can slip through its web, unmangled. This is usually seen in those who transcend its schemes and come back to their prime state of direct resonance I termed Inner Sense with no judgements and evaluations to provide their own tint aka Adulteration aka the second nature you know so well as you quietly lament that which you feel is no longer present within. Instead they are powered by imagination, intuition and a strong, curious sense that is not content with surface level explanations and second hand perspectives. They must Know the Ledge. Anything less is bondage.

In order to make up for this absence the entire race invents all kinds of things and symbols in attempt to fill the void in their chests as they then manufacture proof for the lies they tell themselves. Secretly, they are all aware of this fib but most would rather die than admit it. They will, most assuredly, then what I speak of will become evident but it will be too late to do anything about it because the entire raison d’etre of this parasitical being is to keep you coming back for another spin because the Game won’t play itself and its needs your Soul as a credit in exchange for the debts you know well that keep you chained to the mill. Call them karma, original sin or even a good old fashioned mortgage (a word that means measure of death because you’ll spend your life repaying it. Another hint of the trick that holds billions within its grip) the facts are the same. An illusion. That only works if you accept, on some level, you are willing to be pimped and fall for it. If you trust a liar, who is to blame, in the end?

See, children are impressionable and perceive this force invisible when they first step in. What do you think they are pointing at, giggling in the crib, as it amuses them by creating all types of sensations and things for their newly incarnated awareness? It then slithers in along with their perception of the five sensory realm and begins its process of doorstepping their consciousness in order to induce a state of hypnosis that folds them in on their Self. The longer you listen, the sweeter the pitch and this is how so many are sucked in because many no longer have a Spiritual Immune System thanks to its presence and general lack of awareness for countless generations as things like this are never spoken of or highlighted because the one who says so is generally hated as his words are seen as an attack on all they hold sacred. This is actually the secret truth of the mid (and quarter) life crisis as the Spiritual Immune System in some Souls uprises and attempts to smash through their conditioning as they click they never intended to spend their entire life two stepping on a psycho-social treadmill. Usually this is the cue to do something dumb as the opposing counter swing to freedom that misses the state in the mid I call Centered in Self before they are forced to slot back in, like a good brick, and keep doing what the voice in their head says till they meekly inherit the earth they were promised as its poured over the corpse thats lowered in at the end of their spin.

The most powerful tool in the hands of the Opponent is the mind of their Victim. To realize this is to flip the script and this is what they dread because they need you to accept what they give and remain in a one step removed existence which I call dwelling in the Mind Made Prison because that is exactly what it is. Most folks are hell bent on making the ascent up the mythical pyramid of success. Why? Because this is what the voice in their head and the world it built tells them is what they’re seeking. See, the best part of the trick is the over identification with the Opponent as then it can employ all kinds of slick effects to hide its presence and make its hosts subconscious rumbles of discontent seem like they’re coming from someone else. Stop and think about this:

There is a prime state within that is pure and direct that I call Inner Sense. You once accessed it well, with no need of education or instruction as it was like a spring well that bubbled freely with no effort and limitless abundance. This is why children grow, are intensely creative and curious as well. Find me one of the Adulterated who hosts these three traits and I’ll show you someone who has transcended the trick and is back at the helm of their own consciousness. Back when, these were called the mystics and generally they disconnected from society and chilled by themselves as that is when the real Game begins as they think “Its my Soul and I’m going home with it” at the end of the spin and make the required preparations as they realize the horrifying truth of this realm and its institutionalized corruption that houses a thirst never quenched, no matter how much Inner Sense it taints via its predatory presence.

A lot fail in this attempt, many didn’t even know what they were railing against and end up in a no mans land where they are a step up from the rest of the living hostages and must be made an example of accordingly. Know what we call them? Schizophrenics. “Something I don’t know is putting thoughts in my head” they said as they felt an increasing sense of paranoia that some undefined force was out to get them. Both are totally valid as then the Opponent deals from another deck and offers them personalized hallucinations of terror and madness as opposed to the vague sense of threat at the edge which keeps the rest in check and dutifully stepping on the mill via the limits placed within their heads they’re carefully to coloring and thus will never, ever question who built said image and to what end. Against the so called schizophrenics the System dispatches its minions who wield various accreditations as testament to their ignorance of whats actually happening in order to prove the concepts of autonomy and freedom as a living human are a total illusion as they are then persecuted and drugged to within an inch of their lives. Not to cure them, oh no. Its to stop them talking. Haven’t you ever wondered why every single so called schizo, from its historical inception to the current moment, regardless of race, sex, intelligence or any parameter you pick has always said the same thing? “Something I don’t know is putting thoughts in my head”. Where are the allegedly empirical scientists that profess to see the world through the eyes of pure logic as surely this is a statistically significant sample that is worthy of impartial investigation. Don’t hold your breath for this to happen. The silence is deafening but most don’t hear it because of what it says about the rest. Themselves included.

See, these seeds of enlightenment fell upon the pavement their (false) self built over the fertile grounds of their now urbanized garden. It causes an immense sense of panic and fear for the Opponent which the Victim Thunks is happening to them. Its why discernment is essential as one must click they are not only the thoughts and thinking but the thinker as well. Can you see how subtle this is? Contrast that with the welders mitt level of sensitivity most possess when it comes to navigating their inner realms (as well as the total lack of depth the Devilish language brings for sharing this imperience) and you’ll see why the scam is so effective that it runs, unchecked, for countless generations. Not only this but the people venerate their own form of oppression as a symbol of liberation! Talk about not knowing your elbow from your rear end. Anyway, its your ass on the line because everyone falls for this scam, no matter how stupid or intelligent, because it tailors its pitch perfect. Taking it back to the children:

The baby that once giggled in its crib as it pointed at the patterns of light swirling in front of it that seemed to pop out and grab their attention with zero effort but were also entertaining is now around five or six. They are lying in bed, scared to death, barely breathing. They are attempting to make themselves invisible and trying their best to be brave even though they are more than aware of this invisible threat that is hidden under the bed or someplace else. It has a malicious intent. It does not like them and its intrusions have became more and more frequent. The childs parents warned them “I don’t want to hear a peep about these ghosts and demons. We got you that light you wanted and we’ve checked under the bed” and other such threats which not only undermine the childs confidence they also invalidate their imperience which says “There is a clear and present threat that is hidden, just outside your awareness, that we must deal with”.

These are the screams of the dregs of your Spiritual Immune System doing its thing. By now its been under assault since you stepped in and its shields are in shreds because the Opponent preps his host the moment they start breathing. Its much like spiritual child abuse in that respect and everyone has been tainted by the experience. The physical equivalent, whether sexual, intellectual or actual violence is just part of this same thing that has the intent to force you to buy in to the (false) selfs narrative via the use of any and all weapons. This time its as a protective mechanism to prevent the realization of these events and that is also why its most often parents or those they knew well who treat them like this whilst instilling a code of silence that further fractures the childs nascent awareness. A house divided, yes? No wonder people lean on external things and ask them to grant them strength as they’re divorced from the unlimited well of innerG within that is being mined from their minds by these vampires of sentience.

Some people are aware of this trick and decided “We can’t beat it, so lets join it and generate profits instead”. Those will be most vocal about what I said as they are the agents of said force and thus are all quite rich and powerful. Have you ever looked at who owns everything and drew the common link that binds them? Remember, this parasite holds the whole world in its grip and, worst of all, you Thunk you are it. They have but a handful of tricks and they’re as old as the hills because they’re simply that effective. Go against the grain and its “Off with his head!” but whats the alternative? Usually it involves secrets, blackmail and or public defamation using real or made up things. It matters not as its all about perception in the Game hence most people Thunk Churchill was a saint when the occulted aspects of history tell a different tale. Same with your so called “leaders” in the modern age because the spell of poli ticks says many leeches for those who Know the Ledge ergo if your vote could change anything you wouldn’t have access to it. Like psychedelics. Haven’t you ever wondered how nature can be outlawed whilst synthetics with patents are pimped as the go to quick fix? Introduce someone who is depressed or filled with PTSD symptoms to a guided sesh with shrooms and other herbal friends then you’ll Witness an immense reduction in stress because they come face to face with the event they had suppressed and thus the Pattern melts when bought into consciousness and examined in the present moment. There are other ways of doing this which involving breathing in circles for extended periods which generates a similar state of release but takes much more effort. In may ways the entire race is jangling chains of their past traumatic inheritance – both personal and inherited – and thus we as individuals and a collective lumber under the pain of this suffering that dwells just under the surface of our so called civilization. In many ways these are the demons of which I’ve been speaking. Thoughtforms or vampires of consciousness that fracture Inner Sense in order to place themselves at the helm of those who Know not the Ledge and thus cannot protect themselves or the coming generations from this mass madness that has billions in its grip and is in no rush to relent all of its Victims that Thunk they’re it.

The ancestors knew this well and predicted the time coming when thieves would be kings, morals would all slip whilst ignorance will be sold as wisdom to people who cannot tell the difference and care even less as they’re too caught up in consuming and trying to get ahead. Trust will evaporate as it will be every man for his (false) self with greed as the standard to which most cling as siblings envy their kin and friends become villains that plot the demise of those they detest for having more than them whilst presenting affable grins in order to get close and stick the knife in. Nobody will be content. Beauty will begin and end at the skin ergo there will be a raging emptiness within that consumes everything but still cannot be filled. Pious gowns and stately dress will hide wicked intent and avarice as they outwardly preach tolerance and benevolence whilst privately filling their coffers with the wages of sin and devilishness. Sages will be persecuted and crucified in public for trying to uplift the collective and shake this demonic torpor from them as the crowds themselves are baying for more bloodshed and violence whilst missing the message of salvation. Many prophets will be killed, like unwanted fetuses, and the worlds, both outside and within, will become totally unbalanced in times of universal conflicts that will be hallmark of the lowest level to which mankind can sink as they wander around disconnected from their true magnificence and choose self destruction instead but label it something else like entertainment or relaxation.

A part of me really does wonder, at depth, if the willhelpme project is a worthwhile attempt to reintroduce balance to this realm because its like standing against not one but multiple worlds. And for what? In the end? Liberation? They say the highest compassion springs from one who is freed from this realm but chooses not to heart for the exit at the end of his spin but come back again and sprinkle a little Knowledge to help the rest at the time they most need it. Thing is said Soul in question is obviously well invested in the intent of getting free from the web of the Third Dimension and thus carries out his goals from one life to the next whereas the rest couldn’t care less about the whole Game of Souls things as they are so well indoctrinated on life itself from second hand sources that they Thunk there is no need to look within as they scream “YOLO!” from tortured lips and tired eyes that look out at a corrupted world totally devoid of Inner Sense. They say people perish due to a lack of Knowledge. The world as it stands is testament to this, and yet, when I feelsee from a higher vantage at the periscope/telescope effect of the Fourth Dimension that works like a mill it seemed all was functioning, exactly as intended. That then includes me, even though I’m in but not of this realm, ergo might as well place my bets on Self and keep on keeping on in order to see what happens because one of the benefits of the preincarnational mindwipe is the sense of newness and discovery once plugged back in to the Matrix as you don a new suit made of skin for another spin in the Game we’re all playing by inserting our Souls as credits.

Run this back. Read it again. Tell me then if a flicker of remembrance, long dimmed, starts shining within or if it flew straight over your chest because that, not the brain, is the true seat of consciousness and from what most are disconnected but desperately yearning a link as they’ll look anywhere but within as they do not click you only find enlightenment by walking into the darkness and facing the fears and things which initially disconnected you from your Inner Sense, back when. Either that or keep jingling the chains you inherited and will pass on to your children because, as far as I can tell, what they’re shoveling to their Slaves is not the only option but many dare not examine their internal OS after it was craftily mangled by the System because they’re sitting in a zone of discomfort, surrounded by distractions, and in the grip of a devil they know well ergo anything against must, by default, be wicked. Thats the greatest trick. The scam everyone falls for. Including you. You could say its the main challenge of this level. A boss fight, if you will, that takes place within your unfinite awareness against your (false) self thats been at the helm for most of your life sentence up until this moment and never been questioned.

Dare ye Know the Ledge? How many people are still playing the tutorial and wonder why life is so boring as they, day in, day out, do the same thing and step on the psycho-social treadmill designed to keep this truth hidden. Know: There is more, way more, to all of this than you suspect because when the base totality of your reality is that you’re wearing flesh, on a planet, that floats through the abyss as it chases a fireball, off into the distance its easy to tell how the rest built on this is more than questionable as the initial premise is so ridiculous.

Welcome to the Game, my friend. I died and came back again in order to tell you this.

Till we meet again

Pain, Potential and Popcorn

Pain, potential and popcorn. At first glance it might seem like we’re playing a Game of “One of these is not like the others” but if everything in this realm is made up of one thing – itself no-thing – then it becomes obvious we’re dealing with the process of transformation. Dig:

A cloud, a lake and snowman will have vastly different ways of describing themselves and their imperience but only the one up high can see the truth of the most dense and the one in the mid, correct? Imagine basing the tale on what the one at the lowest state of vibration thinks and then link that in to the fact that we decode a tiny, tiny part of EM spectrum and make up stories based on this and the rest makes way more sense because life really is simple but ignorance complicates it as we start creating symbols to point at states then mistake the menu for meal and wonder why we’re starving and showing signs of neglect. What does that have to do with popcorn? Everything.

Imagine you were born as a cob of corn. Its you and your siblings. Life is squished as you fight for position but its also a pretty amazing feeling knowing you aren’t alone in this. Time comes, things ripen and they move on to find their way. One of your peeps ends up on a raw vegan salad and is consumed and excreted in pretty much the same shape they went in as they lie there, decomposing, ready to do it all again. The other brother has a tale to tell and it went like this:

“Man, if you ever find your Self in hell, keep going. Keep going is all I’m saying because I can’t believe the events that flipped turned inside out everything I used to think about anything in order to reveal what was always hidden within.

We grew up tough, times were tight but we connected. Then we flew the nest. I was always different. I had questions that needed answers that the world wasn’t providing. Long story short, I died. Or, to be more accurate, I was dehydrated. Water is life and there was none of it left in me. I was at the lowest point in my life and I couldn’t even weep. That was beyond me. But I knew, I knew, deep down within, that it hadn’t killed and thus must be providing strength so I turned within for my sustenance and started getting familiar with this new state of being. Thats when a different type of awareness started speaking and it said:

What lives and never dies but can shift like the winds and yet be as solid as the earth, if it wishes?”

I thought about this, I really did because, lets be honest there were no other companions. At least, as far as I could tell. I was entirely wrapped up in my Self and this hard crusty shell that isolated my resonance. Little did I know there were so many others in the same boat at the same time as we were sitting on the shelf of this huge retail operation that ticks and gives not one single solitary F about us beyond the profits they can extract from our presence. Needless to say this came later. For now, alone in the darkness, I was glad of the comfort provided by this new perspective that I didn’t realize then was what I’d actually been seeking, back when, when we were hanging out in the field and feeling the sun do its thing as we were connected to the firmament and fed by the elements. All I wanted then was freedom. Well, they say be careful what you ask for because you might just get it. That I did. That I did.

So, here I am, chilling in the darkness with the new type of awareness that I didn’t realize yet was my true essence as it would remain identical during each step of my incarnation, no matter the outer resonance or image it presents. This is what was calling for my attention in the field. Many others didn’t know, care or suspect but I did. Looking back it explains why life played out as it did. I asked this new version of me:

“Whats the deal then?”. It said:

I am you, you are me. Its simply a case of resonance and frequency. All of your life you wanted to be free. When the rest of the team were enjoying the field, soaking up the rays and pulling in the nutrition you craved wisdom. Well, this is the way”.

“By limitation?”. I was incredulous but, like I said, there was no Netflix or other forms of distraction so it was me by my Self. I didn’t yet know the difference but that soon would become evident due to the events unfolding as they did.

“Yes. If you imagine the sun became so big that you could see nothing else you’d be blinded, correct?”.


“And if the moon and stars vanished it would be total darkness”.


“So, in both events the information coming in is so overwhelming that no data can be decoded in any ways meaningful ergo both are identical even though they’re polar opposites”.

I had to admit, the concept was intriguing so I thought about it, at depth. He continued:

“And yet, the light and darkness are both well aware of your presence because you remain the same from their perspective. Thats the Game, thats the Game. Oh, time to cut this one short. Lights, camera, action. Lets get it popping!”.

Suddenly, we were in motion. After what seemed like a lifetime on the shelf things were moving super quick as we were jostled that way and this. A bind I’d never realized was loosened and it felt like I was floating but before I could ask my essence what was happening the most pain I’d ever felt came flowing through my veins as it scalded my consciousness. Suddenly the potential that was with exploded in a way that was so vivid after we’d stepped into hells kitchen with the devil as the chef. It was every shell for himself and we headed in all different directions but none of us could find an exit. Worse still the temperature kept ramping and my discombobulation was increasing. And then, just like he said, the darkness turned to light and what went in as a hard, lifeless kernel that was still, somehow, living had been transformed into something else that was now immense, fluffy and intricate. It was. whole different imperience and suddenly the quest made sense because once we’d completed the spin after being eaten by those Netflix and chilling the me that took that trip got a totally different interpretation of the planet than my kin that ended up on the vegan salad.

Would I do it again? I don’t know, can’t say because the surprise was in uncovering my ignorance and being present in the moment to examine the transitions as my highs were super high, just like my lows bought the kind of pain that those who don’t know can’t comprehend as its so far beyond their wavelength“.

Quite a sentient vegetable, yes? And yet its tale is the same as a traumatized human in comparison to one who’d missed the pain and suffering that came via the process that ends with their eternal liberation as they’ve now gained Knowledge of Self as that kernel clicked that when it seemed to be dead something was still living and what seemed like hell was actually heaven sent in the end because it gained its wish of maximizing its imperience by seeing the full possible potential contained within that corn that once hung on stalk, blowing in the wind, wondering “Is this it?”. After the events were processed and handled the potential within expanded after such a contraction and, suddenly, it can share a tale with the rest that will help them comprehend the events that lead to you reading this message and the deeper meaning within.

Those who know, know. Nothing else needs to be said except if you’re going through hell keep going and learn to trust that guidance from within because you are it and its all part of the Game we’re playing using our Souls as credits because only coals that have felt the pressure that never relents get to shine like diamonds in the end. Even then that’s just the beginning of a new resonance because unlike the one who picked the vegan trek that was relatively uneventful in comparison to his kin the ice begins to suspect it can melt and this leads us back to the cloud again so, my friend, know this:

The Game will meet you on your level.

Pain, potential and popcorn. Know thy Self. You are far stronger than you currently imagine so look within for healing.

Till we meet again